Parish Life

promoting family life

The mission of the Parish Life Commission is to promote family life, help build community in the parish, and foster a sense of belonging among parish members of St. Michael the Archangel Church.

Boy Scouts of America

Scott Nowinski
Email Scott

Cub Scout Pack 504 is sponsored by Holy Name Society for boys 1st through 5th grade and has weekly meetings. Boy Scout opportunities also exist for boys from 5th grade until their 18th birthday.

Comforting Chefs

Parish Office
219-322-4505, ext. 8220

Connie Solorio, Chairperson

Sharing the gift of compassion with parishioners who are in mourning or experiencing illness, the members of this ministry provide food donations, comfort, and meals on a temporary basis. They also provide funeral luncheons for those who wish in St. Patrick Hall.

Festival Committee

Robbie Hansen


Eric Guetzloff


  Organizes our Annual Festival, which is a family-oriented activity. A highlight of the Festival is the drawing of the $100,000 Mega Raffle winners.

Holy Name Society


An organization of men of the parish involved in service, charity, and social activities, members participate in spiritual and fraternal activities and assist in various fundraising activities for the parish.

Knights of Columbus

Gerald Bromley 
Email Gerald

A Catholic men’s organization, the Knights are involved in spiritual enrichment, social interaction, and fundraising for charitable causes.

Click here for more information!

Labors of Love

Sharon Przybylinski

Labors of Love Ministry, formerly the Prayer Shawl Ministry, consists of a group of people who want to put their talents to good use for the glory of God! We crochet and knit useful items for those who are in need or those who just need a comforting touch. Also, crochet mats for the homeless out of plastic grocery bags. You don’t have to know how to knit or crochet, we also make items from fleece (ie: blankets, hats), and mission rosaries. We welcome and encourage anyone to join us.

Senior GEMS

Doris Galinski


or call the parish office

219-322-4505 ext. 8220

Senior men and women meet with the goals of service and entertainment. Meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesday of every month in St. Patrick Hall from 10:00 a.m. to noon. The cost is $1.00 per meeting and the money is used to support a charity. We try to plan outings on a monthly basis.

Welcoming Ministry

John & Lillian Zaborske

This ministry registers and welcomes people interested in joining St. Michael Parish. Registration is scheduled after the 7:30 am. and 9:30 a.m. Masses on the 3rd Sunday of the month.

Ministry of Hope & Consolation

Janice Gatons
219-322-4505, ext. 8241
Email Janice

Members in this ministry assist those on the journey from grief to healing following the loss of a loved one. Sessions are held in the spring and fall.