Become Catholic
Welcome to St. Michael the Archangel Parish and thank you for considering the RCIA Journey.
What is RCIA?
RCIA is simply the journey of becoming Catholic or of entering into the fullness of the Catholic faith. The letters stand for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It is an old term that was first used in those centuries after Jesus for people coming into the Church. During this journey, individuals undergo their spiritual conversion from Catechumen to Elect to Neophyte (1st year after Baptism).
Who is RCIA All About?
RCIA is all about developing a relationship with Jesus Christ. Many people, when they first join, have no spirituality. Yet, when they proceed along this journey of prayer, study, and service, they encounter Jesus in a living and personal manner. This transformation is often powerful because, where there was nothing before, now the living God is directly present to them.

The First Step?
Reach out. If you are interested in becoming Catholic, call Kimberley Hoogeveen at 219-322-3077 or email