Peace and Social Justice

The mission of the Social Outreach Commission is to help our parishioners understand Peace and Social Justice issues and provide support to those in need both locally and in the world community.

Good Samaritans

Sue Cohen
322-4505, ext. 8250

This ministry provides help to those in need of food or finances to help with utility bills or rent. The ministry has a food collection box in the Gathering Space for the food pantry it maintains. Meets 1st Wednesday evening of the month.

Rebuilding Hope (Wheelchair Ramp) Ministry

Mike Macki
Email Mike

Rob Olson
Email Rob

As a service team, this ministry acts in a caring manner to help the less fortunate of our society by offering their time and talents in a Christian manner to accomplish their goals. Within the parish, the Rebuilding Hope Mission team partners with the Good Samaritans and Parish Nursing.

Members of this ministry take Holy Communion to the Schererville Nursing Homes and Residences weekly. Members of this ministry must be fully initiated practicing parishioners of St. Michael.

Ministry of Hope & Consolation

Janice Gatons
322-4505, ext. 8241
Email Janice

Members in this ministry assist those on the journey from grief to healing following the loss of a loved one. Sessions are held in the spring and fall.

Emotions Anonymous

Jennifer Davids, EA Trusted Servant

“Emotions Anonymous (EA) is a fellowship of people who share their experiences, feelings, strengths, weaknesses, and hopes with one another in order to solve their emotional problems and to discover a way to live at peace with unsolved problems. We come to EA to learn to live a new way of life by using the twelve-step program. Through it, we find serenity and acquire peace of mind.” (From Emotions Anonymous)

The group meets Mondays from 6pm-7:30pm in the St. Amand Room, St. Michael Church, East Doors. Closed Holidays and during snowy inclement weather.

Labors of Love

Sharon Przybylinski

Labors of Love Ministry, formerly the Prayer Shawl Ministry, consists of a group of people who want to put their talents to good use for the glory of God! We crochet and knit useful items for those who are in need or those who just need a comforting touch. Also, crochet mats for the homeless out of plastic grocery bags. You don’t have to know how to knit or crochet, we also make items from fleece (ie: blankets, hats), and mission rosaries. We welcome and encourage anyone to join us.

Respect Life Group

Marlene Townsend

This ministry brings issues of respecting all aspects of human life to our parishioners through prayer, the annual rose sale, and other activities. Meets monthly.

Share Your Time & Talents with St. Michael Parish!

Please reach out to these ministry leaders if you are interested in joining any of these ministries! We invite you to share your time and talent with St. Michael Parish!