Education and Formation

The Education and Formation Commission supports the parish community during our process of faith formation throughout our lives. It provides a variety of programs to help all parishioners in their faith journey to grow in the knowledge and love of the Lord. This commission includes the Director of Religious Education, the School Principal, the liaison from the Pastoral Council, at-large members from the parish, and representatives from the following ministries:

                                     Latest Goals and Strategies: Education and Formation Commission Strategies Final

Adult Catholic Education Ministry

Janice Gatons
219-322-4505, ext. 8241
Email Janice

This ministry organizes informational sessions related to various aspects and topics of our Roman Catholic Faith Tradition in order that the community may come to better understand their religious identity and faith. This group meets on an as needed basis and holds informational sessions for the parish 3-4 times a year.

Baptismal Preparation

Janice Gatons
219-322-4505, ext. 8241
Email Janice

Infant Baptism Preparation class is offered monthly for parishioners who are planning to baptize their baby into the Catholic faith. Parents might want to consider taking the class before the baby is born.

Catholic Bible Study

Linda Hansen
Email Linda

Delving into books of the Bible over a designated time frame, Catholic Bible Study offers adults a deeper comprehension of Sacred Scripture and its relevance to modern times. Each participant has the opportunity to explore individually and through group participation God’s revelation to us and the connection to Church Tradition.

Faith Formation

Kimberley Hoogeveen
Email Kimberley

The vision of the Faith Formation Committee is to provide opportunities for lifelong faith formation for the St. Michael Catholic Community and affirm parishioners in the practice of their faith within the family, parish, and community, under the direction and leadership of the pastor. This is accomplished by providing a variety of programs and resources that will assist parishioners in their spiritual growth and outreach to others as the followers of Jesus Christ. Programs include Traditional, Family Faith, and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (beginning at age three). The Faith Formation Board meets monthly.

RADIATE High School Youth Ministry

Jeannine Quigley
Email Jeannine

RADIATE High School Youth Ministry invites all High School age youth to join us (usually) on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month in St. Patrick Hall from 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. RADIATE encourages the youth of St. Michael’s parish to develop a lasting love for Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church through praise, worship, and service. Each gathering is different but might include ice breakers, guest speakers, group discussions, and music—and will always feature food, friendship, and fun! The ministry works toward fully integrating our youth into the life, mission, and work of St. Michael Parish. All high school teens are welcome!


Marriage Preparation

Janice Gatons
219-322-4505, ext. 8241
Email Janice

The Marriage Prep Team brings engaged couples to a deeper awareness of self, communication, human sexuality, and theology of marriage by promoting discussion between the engaged couples on topics they may not have considered or shared. They foster personal and spiritual maturity through the use of parish resources. Each team couple presents at one to two weekends per year depending on the number of weddings planned, plus one to two informal meetings per year.

School Administrator

Michelle Biscan, Principal
Email Michelle

As an integral part of St. Michael Parish, St. Michael School is committed to providing a Catholic education grounded in the Gospel message, academic excellence, and the dignity of each individual. The school serves children in preschool through eighth grade in a safe and caring environment. The School Advisory Board meets with the pastor and school principal for the discussion of ideas dealing with the operation of the school.