Spirituality and Worship

developing liturgical and devotional celebrations

The mission of the Spirituality and Worship Commission is to develop liturgical and devotional celebrations that call the entire community to active participation in the heart of the liturgy: the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ.

Altar Servers

Deacon Ron Pyle 
219-322-4505 ext.8286

Young people, from fifth grade through seniors in high school, are encouraged to help the priest, deacon and parishioners pray together. As ministers, altar servers participate in the liturgy, pray and socialize together and give glory to God through service.

Click here to download the Altar Server Handbook

Click here to view the Altar Server Funeral Training Video

Art and Environment

Tina Kempf

This ministry prepares and maintains the church decorations for Feast Days according to the Liturgical Season. Meets informally two to three times a year to prepare the church for Christmas and Easter.


Loretta DePrez
322-4505, ext. 8228

Sacristans clean the sanctuary and prepare the vessels and other items for daily and special liturgies. They work on Mondays and as needed for special feast days. A special group helps to launder and mend the church linens as needed.

Cross Bearers

Steve Sieracki
Email Steve

Members of this ministry lead the procession in and out of church at Mass on Saturday evenings, Sundays, Holy Days of Obligation, and other primary days of worship by carrying the large processional cross.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Gary Wolfe
Email Gary

Helps in the distribution of the Holy Eucharist to the congregation. Members must be parishioners at least 16 years old, and if applicable, be in valid sacramental marriage. A one-time training session is two hours long. An online system is available to cover for vacations and time conflicts.

Pastoral Ministers of Care

Janice Gatons
322-4505, ext. 8241
Email Janice

Members of this ministry visit the homebound, Schererville Residences, nursing homes, and/or hospitalized, share in prayer, and take Holy Communion to them if so desired. Ministers of Care must be fully initiated practicing parishioners of St. Michael. This ministry meets quarterly.


Bob Hansen
Email Bob

Welcomes and assists all who enter the worship space, takes up the collections, coordinates the procession of the faithful during Communion, and distributes music sheets and bulletins. Commitment is one or two Sundays per month.


Carol Schiessle
322-4505, ext. 8262
Email Carol

Our purpose is to glorify God by proclaiming God’s Word at Liturgies. Sunday lectors are typically scheduled once every four weeks; weekday lectors are on a rotating schedule. Lectors meet four times annually on the third Sunday of February, May, August, and November (times vary) for continuing spiritual, liturgical and technical formation.

Liturgy Committee

Debbie Mangione
322-4505, ext. 8227
Email Debbie

The Liturgy Committee’s primary function is to promote and strengthen the liturgical and sacramental life of the parish family. The committee coordinates the planning and scheduling of liturgical celebrations and oversees the various liturgical ministries.

Music Ministry

Debbie Mangione
322-4505, ext. 8227
Email Debbie

Provides liturgical music for all Masses and during special events and services such as weddings and funerals. The ministry consists of several choirs (adult, children, youth, and bell) under a group leader. Practices vary according to the type of choir. All are welcome! Please contact Debbie if you are interested in singing or playing an instrument.

Prayer Ministry

Jackie Logue
Email Jackie

Meets the needs of parishioners in a devotional way through prayers when personal events or circumstances occur, such as illness, marital difficulties, or tragic events. Members are called for prayers once a request is received.


Kimberley Hoogeveen
Email Kimberley

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults provides the process of faith development and catechetical instruction for those seeking full communion within the Roman Catholic Church. Here at St. Michael’s we also have a children’s adaptation of this Rite. This process culminates in the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist for those not previously baptized and Confirmation and Eucharist for those previously baptized. The process calls on the entire community for involvement and prayerful support for those wishing to join the Catholic faith.