Our Vision
The vision of the Faith Formation Committee is to provide opportunities for lifelong faith formation for the St. Michael Catholic Community and affirm parishioners in the practice of their faith within the family, parish, and community, under the direction and leadership of the pastor. This is accomplished by providing a variety of programs and resources that will assist parishioners in their spiritual growth and outreach to others as the followers of Jesus Christ. Programs include Traditional, Family Faith, and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (beginning at age three). The Faith Formation Board meets monthly.

This year’s registration is open! Any new parishioners will need to bring a copy of the student’s baptismal certificate. Documentation of transfer is needed if the child has been attending Faith Formation elsewhere.
To begin the registration process, please read the REGISTRATION PARENT INFORMATION and FAITH FORMATION HANDBOOK documents below:
After reading the Faith Formation handbook, please download, print, and fill out the following:
Medical Release Form-2024-2025
2024-2025 Faith Formation Calendar Final 8.15.24
Do This in Memory Dates 2024-2025
- To apply for the Sunday Family Program, you must be a registered parishioner of at least 2 years.
- Parent orientations-held first day of class in the school gym
- Class sizes are not more than 15 students and no less than 5 per class
- Classes held in St. Michael School classrooms
- Classes led by volunteer trained Catechists
- We follow the Lake Central School Calendar
- You must be registered with the Faith Formation Office
“Confirmation enriches the baptized with the strength of the Holy Spirit so that they can better witness to Christ in word and deed” – CCC, no. 1285
For the Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit.
If you are a Baptized Catholic, 18 or older, out of high school and you have also received First Communion and First Reconciliation, but for whatever reason, you have not been confirmed, then this may be for you.
Preparation for Adult Confirmation will be offered on Wednesday: *MUST Attend 2 classes
- May 7- 6:00 PM- 8:00 PM
- May 14- 6:00 PM- 8:00 PM
WHERE: St. Michael Parish Hall/ West Meeting Room
1 W Wilhelm Street, Schererville, IN 46375
WHO MAY ATTEND: A Candidate Must:
- Be 18 years old AND out of high school
- Have been baptizedin the Catholic Church
- Provide Baptismal Certificate
- Provide proof of Reconciliation & Holy Communion
Location – Cathedral of the Holy Angels, 640 Tyler Street Gary, IN 46402
To register, please download and complete the following form:
Welcome to the Faith Formation Office!
Contact Us
Director of Religious Education: Kimberley Hoogeveen
Email Kimberley
219-322-3077, ext. 8328
Faith Formation Administrative Assistant: Mary Jo Rymarczyk
Email Mary Jo
219-322-3077, ext. 8329
Faith Formation Office Hours
Monday – Thursday 9:00am-2:00pm
Friday By Appointment
Be sure to keep up with our latest messages:
St. Michael Faith Formation
16 West Wilhelm Street
Schererville, Indiana 46375